Saturday, April 15, 2017

Exciting News

Dear readers,

I am planning on making an album this summer. I hope to craft new and old originals on this album. I don't know how long or what songs will be on it, however, I can't wait to share this album with you. I have been contemplating this idea since the start of this year.

I do apologize for the lack of posting. My life has been crazy busy for the last year. I hope to post a lot more here optimistically. I started a YouTube channel about a year and a half ago. Feel free by visiting here

God bless you,

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

I Need You

Hi everyone! It has been one crazy year for me. I need to up my song writing/recording game! I can't believe the last song I wrote was last Fall (sorry everyone). I am so excited to share with you today a new song I wrote this past week. It has been a long process of determining how I need to put my words, making sure I am communicating clearly, pouring out my heart (and tears), and having fun.

This song is based off of what I am currently having trouble with, and that is trusting God and not to be worried about anything but to learn I need Him! I hope you really enjoy this one. Here is the Recording

Verse 1:
What can you do with a broken heart?
How can I mend the pieces?
I've learned one thing through my whole life, I need You.

Verse 2:
I've traveled far, seen the world.
But its not enough.
I drag myself down with every anxious thought, I need You.

Its hard to find my way
I need to put my trust in You
Life is so sweet with You at my side
I always need You.

Verse 3:
Look at this world, what people do?!
How can I turn their faces?
I see the light piercing the darkness, I need You.

Verse 4:
So this is it. The last moment.
How can I thank You?
The clouds depart, the light descends
And I cry, I need You!

Monday, November 9, 2015

For Us a Child is Born

Here is a Christmas song that I wrote in March of this year. I did a post of this same song (click here), however, I did not like the lyrics for the verses. So I went back to the songwriting board this week and wrote these lyrics instead. Enjoy!

             There will be no shadow of anguish                       
Those that walk in the dark will see light

For us a child is born
Emmanuel the light has come
For us a child is born
God’s Son comes to save this world from sin

        To us a son is given, the prince of peace              
Whoever believes in Him will life

                He shall bruise the serpent’s head                     
Death will have no victory over Him

He will save His people
God’s kingdom has come there will be no end

Sunday, October 11, 2015

My Soul Waits for You

This song I wrote October 1st, the first time in a while since I have written a song. I don't quite remember how I came to Psalm 130, which is what I based the song off of. Enjoy! Be sure to check out the recording of songs I have written!

Oh Lord my God, I call out for thy aid
The voice of healing and treasured love
Oh Lord my God, I need Thy strength 
Courage for tomorrow and dependence on you
Father, answer my distress
May your ears hear my plea
Even in the I hear my plea
My soul waits for you

Oh Lord my God, I hope in you
For you are the shelter of unshakable love
Oh Lord my God, with you there is forgiveness 
So that The Lord will be feared among the world

Oh Lord my God, whose presence is too glorious 
With arms of peace and lips of redemption 
Oh Lord my God, your comfort is fulfilling 
May I glorify you, all of my days

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Recordings Released!

I hope you all are as excited as I am for this....recordings!!!!! :) I have been wanting to do this for so long and it's so exciting to share my recordings with you all. Links to the recordings are on the right as well as in the page titled "recordings". From now on look forward to hearing the sounds and not only reading the lyrics ;) God to be the glory!

Friday, July 31, 2015

The Lord is My Shepherd (revised)

I apologize for the lack of posting, because of business and traveling these few weeks. I wrote this back in February some of you may have remembered this song. I felt like God was telling me to create this piece. These past weeks/months I felt like I need to rewrite some of my songs. I thought of adding a chorus but I didn't put in one because of how I wanted this song to sound. Enjoy!

The Lord is my Shepherd
He gives me peace
Through it I rest and renew my strength
Directs me to the right path
Bringing glory to His name

The Lord is my Shepherd
As I walk through the dark
I do not fear because He's close by
His rod and staff protect and comfort me
The blessings overflow

The Lord is my Shepherd
I have all I need
His goodness and love all of my days
I know I will live forever
In the house of The Lord 

Monday, June 8, 2015

In Heaven

Since it has been a long time I thought I would give you a rough draft of my latest song! I recently read through Zephaniah, and one of its verses {3:14-20} struck me. As soon as I read it I knew it had to be a song :)

Sing aloud my children, shout praise
Never will you evil
God has punished those who harm you

He gathers all who stumble and are lost
Give praise and honor to them
For they will be known throughout

Fear not, do not lose your strength 
Your God is in your midst
He who saves and has delight in you
God exults you with loud singing

Have joy with all your heart
The Lord has taken away your punishment
He has taken away those who hate you

Exciting News

Dear readers, I am planning on making an album this summer. I hope to craft new and old originals on this album. I don't know how long...